Coming to Balance

For participant page, click here.

Are you feeling run down, constantly sick, irritable and unable to be your best self?

Do you suffer with anxiety, insomnia, menstrual issues, PMS or an auto-immune disease?

Are you stuck in a hamster wheel, or are you caught in addictive behaviours?


Coming to Balance: A whole body / whole person approach to well-being

A small group program with interactive sessions, paired support, and personalized take-home recommendations to put into practice each week.

Dates: 18h30-20h30, Thursday May 6, 13, 20, 27 and June 3, 2021

Online, via Zoom

Your symptoms are not in your head! You do not simply have to work harder.

In this 5-week group program, you will learn how to actively take back your health. Working progressively week by week, we will address the root causes of imbalance and take steps in each of our lives to make changes that will bring us back to our innate well-being. Organized as a hybrid between a traditional course and a group consultation, you will leave with recommendations for herbal medicine, foods, and life hygiene tailored to your specific conditions, and receive support along the way as you put them into practice, week by week.

Topics covered

- Supporting the nervous and endocrine systems (adrenals and thyroid) through plant medicine

- Food triggers and blood sugar balance

- Gut disruption, gut repair and the microbiot

- Owning our choices and living with intention

- Avoiding exposure to environmental toxins

- Inflammation and immunity 

 Inspired by medical doctor, herbalist and midwife Aviva Romm’s approach to adrenal-thyroid support[i], this program is guided by traditional western herbalism and supported by evidence-based scientific literature. The group format allows participants to connect outside of course time to check-in and stay on course. This program is an excellent complement to longer-term work with a psychologist or psychotherapist, allowing you to work of multiple levels at once to improve outcomes.

The above symptoms are just some of the many symptoms that arise when your neuro-endocrine – immune complex is out of balance.  What is that, you say?  The neuro-endocrine – immune complex is a network consisting of the nervous system, the endocrine (hormonal) system and the immune system, which participate together in a form of reciprocal regulation to maintain homeostasis in the body. It relies on signaling molecules, such as neurotransmitters, hormones, and cytokines, and when one part gets out of whack, signals get crossed and lead to a whole host of conditions that may, on the surface, seem unrelated.[ii] In bringing these three major regulatory systems together and supporting a return to their healthy functioning, we bring synergy to our efforts and can move beyond the barriers that have kept us stuck.


In May, 2021, this program will be offered primarily in French. Efforts will be made to ensure all participants can follow through translation of key points and slowing to clarify as needed. The written material is available in English and French, and participants are welcome to express themselves in either language.


$125 - $275, plus the price of herbs, supplements and suggested foods (tailored to your budget). Limited bursaries offered for Black people, Indigenous people and people of colour. 20% off if you bring a friend/partner/roommate.  This program is great to undertake with those you live with, in particular!

To Register

Email me to confirm space and your preferred language, then send an etransfer to to reserve your spot. Your payment will not be deposited until the minimum number of people (5) have registered.

The deadline to register is March 14th, 2021.

For questions, contact me here.

[i] Romm, Aviva. (2017). The Adrenal-Thyroid Revolution: A proven 4-week program to rescue your metabolism, hormones, mind & mood. 2017. Harper Collins.

[ii] Steinman, L. Elaborate interactions between the immune and nervous systems. Nature immunology 5, 575–581, 10.1038/ni1078 (2004).
